Friday, August 14, 2009

So nervous

Last night I had this dream and it just made me a nervous wreck. I dreamed that I had got a referral and..... hate to put this but I dreamed that the child was just ugly and we hated to say no. Is this normal has anyone else ever had any kinds of feelings like that before. Not to sure what it was about cause that has never came to mind any other time just in my dream and all day today that's all I could think about. I know no matter what we would love the child but having those dreams makes me feel like maybe I'm not ready or something. I had weird dreams like that when I was pregnant. Is this the same??? In fact when I was pregnant with my oldest I dreamed she came out a monkey and that really freaked me out for awhile. Then with my son I dreamed he was born the same size as my daughter who was two at the time. PLEASE someone tell me if this is normal.

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